Garden like a pro with helpful tips and guidance from the experts at Eden Brothers.
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Stargazer, the Most Popular Lily in the World
Its beauty, scent, and upward facing blooms make stargazers the most popular lily in the world.
Botanical Names? You know more of them than you think!
Rhododendron. Hydrangea. Viola. Aster. Phlox. These are just some of the botanical “Latin” names you already know.
Now’s the Time: Plant Peonies and Hostas in Fall
The big thick roots of peonies and hostas have plenty of time to grow all winter long when you plant in fall.
Plan Your Bulb Garden for Months of Bloom
Plan your flower choices based on when they bloom, not just your favorites. Planning this out now can give you two or three solid months of blooms.
Picking Types of Tulips
Tulips are divided into groups that distinguish themselves by their bloom time.
“Naturalizing” Daffodils
“Naturalizing” is simply a big word meaning planting something outside the flower garden, in a natural area.
Showing 109-114 of 114