Eden Bros seeds in stages

About this Photo

Sunflower, Zinnia


Zone 8


I planted zinnias, black eyed susans, sunflowers in my raised garden and love watching them bloom in stages.

Shop Sunflower Seeds

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Sunflower Seeds - Mammoth Grey-Stripe

A favorite variety for eating and growing, and perfect for a kid's garden

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Sunny - Sunflower Seed Mix

Classic yellow, exotic burgundy, and everything in between

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Sunflower Seeds - Autumn Beauty

Bicolor and tricolor blooms in shades of fallen leaves

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Sunflower Seeds - Ring of Fire

A sought-after heirloom featuring branching bicolored blooms

Shop Zinnia Seeds

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Zinnia Seeds - Cupcakes Pink Mix

Feathery pink blooms are super trendy this season

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Zinnia Seeds - California Giants Mix

Our most popular zinnia with multicolored double blooms; a cut-flower fave

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Zinnia Seeds - Pumila / Cut & Come Again Mix

The more you cut this prolific variety, the more it blooms

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Zinnia Seeds - Dahlia Flowered Mix

An established and treasured heirloom boasting large, fully double flowers