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It’s all about the combos

It’s all about the combos

It’s all about the combos

Family: Black Eyed Susan Roots –

Customer Name: Samantha

Growing Zone: Zone 4

State: Minnesota

I started this garden 3 years ago. It originally was a hole filled with 17 yards of river rock that we had to scoop out and backfill with 27 yards of black dirt! I YouTube taught myself how to add in drip lines (tapping into my sprinklers with specific zones).

Over the last 3 years I have learned a TON about gardening especially after getting grow lights! I have grown annuals, heirloom plants and started from bulbs! I even recently adventured into rooting clippings! This garden has been a lot of trial and error for my Style, my new cold elements (I can’t tell you how many times I learned I don’t like a plant, the placement, you name it!) my flop this spring was milkweed which if I win is what I want to again try adding in with the reducing monarch populations! I hope to intermix with my Shasta daisys for succession planting in that area!

In this photo I have my Blackeye Susan’s surrounded by red velvet yarrow, artemisia as well as alliums. In a few days my hibiscus should pop open to add to the stricking display!