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Customer Photos

‘love-in-a-mist’ close up | CHRISTINA RAMSEY from South Carolina

Hidden flower in my fairytale flower seed mix | Ketra from Illinois

My personal Eden made from Fairytale Flower Seed Mix | Ketra from Illinois

Colorful Caladiums | Shelley from Maryland

My stargazer | Darla vanderflute from Washington

cosmos and sunflowers

Sulphurs and Sunflowers!! | Rick from North Carolina

Dahlia magic hour | Jamie from Oregon

Tropical in 7b | Kim from Delaware

Parsley Friend | Angela Flores from Texas

Little Christmas Trees | Yvette from Illinois

Love Eden Brothers | Yvette from Illinois

zinnia field

Roses Are Fine but a Field of Zinnias is Divine | Tim Reinbott from Missouri


Zinnias | Dan from District Of Columbia


My Beautiful Pink Banana Squash Plant! | Kathryn Trinks from North Carolina


Guatemalan Blue winter squash | Kristen from Wisconsin

My shady secret garden | Patricia T Kasik from Ohio

Pollinator gardens do a garden good | Jen from North Carolina

Sunset on the farm | Beckie from New York

Pollinator on zinnias! | Varenka Rodriguez DiBlasi from New York


Endless summer wildflower field | Dustin MacIver from Massachusetts