Zinnia Love

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Zone 6


I use zinnia seeds in my beds like “placeholders” while I decide what perennials I’d like to eventually plant. This past spring, I threw out more zinnia seeds than ever, to fill in some blank spaces between the boxwoods and “Charlie Brown” Atlas Spruce, after the alliums and hummelos bloomed out for the entire length of the bed — maybe 30 feet. (Sorry about the plural forms if that’s wrong.) As the zinnias filled in and then multiplied, the result was a mass of colors and various heights, filled with butterflies, sweet colorful moths, and hummingbirds. The zinnias flowed everywhere — even up and over onto the front porch (about 20 ft x 10). The 5 posts of the porch, end to end, were entwined with hyacinth bean vines in full bloom, with large hanging Boston ferns in between posts. This year, with the addition of more zinnias, the place was covered in beauty. I’m on a street with a fairly constant parade of dogs and their owners walking by. Many waved and expressed their love for the zinnias. This spring, I’ll be planting a small wildflower meadow at the corner, with seeds from Eden Brothers. I can’t wait to get started!

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