Flower Garden
Garden like a pro with helpful tips and guidance from the experts at Eden Brothers.
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Best Practices for Pollinator Gardening
Support a healthy ecosystem by planting gardens designed to attract and sustain pollinators
The Secrets of Building a Great Perennial Garden
With some sage advice and a list of must-haves, learn how to plant your own perennial garden.
5 Colorful Cool Weather Flowers for Your Garden
Learn about some of the most dependable flowers to plant for continued color throughout the cooler months.
Plant Wildflower Seeds in Fall
Learn about the benefits to following Mother Nature’s advice and plant your wildflower seeds in the fall.
The Best Place for Kids is in the Garden
Child-friendly tips to involve budding gardeners into the magical world of gardening.
Guide to Growing Lupines
Most lupines grow as native wildflowers in North America, so they’re great candidates for gardens coast to coast.
How to Grow Echinacea – Purple Coneflower
Echinacea blooms from early summer all the way into fall. The sturdy plants grow to about three feet with handsome, deep green foliage.
How to Create a Butterfly and Bee Buffet
Attract much-needed pollinators to your garden by planting wildflowers!
Planting Creeping Thyme
Learn how to grow creeping thyme to enjoy a carpet of beautiful, tiny, pink flowers of late spring into summer with the bonus of a lemony scent.
Tutorial on Planting Milkweed
Learn to plant milkweed in this tutorial if you want dependable perennials and butterflies in your garden.
Planting and Growing Black Eyed Susans
Learn how to plant Black Eyed Susans, one of America’s favorite flowers, to enjoy weeks of color every summer, with almost no work.
Tips for Planting Lavender Seed
Tips and tricks to growing beautifully fragrant English lavender.
Showing 37-48 of 83