Picture this. It’s 2022 and winter is coming to a close. The sun is offering its radiant rays to your outdoor activities again. You’re getting excited—spring is coming! Amidst this excitement, you look around your yard and catch yourself slumping your shoulders with a sigh as you remember the chore that comes with this beautiful weather… mowing your lawn. But what if, instead, you walk past your lawn mower and through your yard to see something different this time? What if, instead of pushing your lawn mower for hours, you could take a nice spring stroll through gorgeous wildflower blooms right in your backyard? What could your outdoor aesthetic become if plant growth was encouraged and appreciated? Where are we going with this? Stop mowing your lawn and start planting wildflower seeds!
Trend Setting

In a September 2021 article from The Wall Street Journal, Dan Falvo talks about the almost “deal breaker” he had with his current property that originally had nearly three acres of lawn. “No. I don’t want to live on a golf course,” he said. About three years later, Falvo and his wife swapped out most of their lawn for a meadow of wildflowers! They’re not the only homeowners looking for a “greener” alternative that doesn’t rapidly consume time, water, and money. Maybe you’re considering this life hack now, too!
(Pictured Left: Purple Rain Flower Mix)
Plant Wildflowers in Fall
Now, as we all know, the most popular time to start gardening is in the spring. But looking further into this activity and its roots (no pun intended), you’ll realize that naturally, flowers drop their seeds for the following year just as winter approaches, after the killing frost. So don’t argue with Mother Nature! Prepare your lawn of returning wildflowers in the fall! Just clear the ground of grasses and weeds and use a rake or rototiller, depending on the size of your yard, to spread the seed. Not only will flowers bloom just in time for the sunshine, but fall planting yields earlier blooms—meaning your warm months will feel extended, and you can embrace that sunshine season with a gorgeous floral view for just a little bit longer than if you had started your seeds in the spring.
Favorite Flowers for Lawn Replacement

Some favorites for this year are the Orange Sherbet Mix, featuring gorgeous orange and pink cosmos, zinnias, and poppies; our sun-kissed and radiant Sunset Mix that offers a blend of yellow, gold, and white cosmos, zinnias, and sunflowers; and lastly, one of the most popular mixes is Zin Master, which boasts an electric splash of colors across many varieties of zinnias. But whatever you choose, it’s sure to spark more inspiration and spring energy than that boring green lawn. Anyway, who said it’s better if the grass is greener on the other side? This year we’re bringing all the colors to our side.