
Soaking a seed before planting softens its coat and greatly reduces the amount of time it takes for the plant to begin germination.

How to Soak Seeds

There are a variety of reasons why seeds need to soak before planting. Mother Nature has put several defenses in place to prevent seeds from germinating at the wrong time. Soaking seeds will remove any germination inhibitors to help trigger the seeds into growing at the right moment. The boosted moisture concentration around the seeds also signals that it’s ready to grow.  

Place your seeds in a jar, and fill the jar with warm water. Make sure the water is not boiling as extreme heat could have the reverse effect and prevent germination. Place the jar in a warm location for the recommended amount of time—near a window or on top of your refrigerator works fine. When finished, plant seeds immediately so they don’t dry out.  

The length of time seeds should soak, along with other important instructions, can be found in Eden Brothers’ planting guides. 

If your seed also requires scarification, you should scarify first and soak after.