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Bells of Ireland Seeds

When to Plant Bells of Ireland Seeds

Direct sow Bells of Ireland seeds in early Spring, when the ground is still cool to the touch, but the threat of frost has passed. Bells of Ireland have a long taproot and don't do well with transplant.

Where to Plant Bells of Ireland Seeds

Bells of Ireland prefer a location that receives Full Sun exposure, though they can tolerate Partial Shade. Choose rich, loamy, moist, well-draining soil, though not soggy or wet conditions. Bells of Ireland can also grow in average soil with regular applications of fertilizer.

How to Plant Bells of Ireland Seeds

Sow seeds directly onto the surface of the soil, and firmly compress. Do not cover the seeds, as Bells of Ireland require sunlight in order to germinate. Germination will take place in approximately 21-25 days. If starting indoors, wait until the plant is a good size and avoid transplanting more than once.

How to Care for Bells of Ireland

Once Bells of Ireland begin to come up, thin to a spacing of 12 inches apart. Protect plants from wind - taller growing plants may benefit from staking. Bells of Ireland don't rebloom, but they are a prolific reseeder. Once they've had a chance to go to seed, feel free to cut them down - though if you prefer to control the spread of seed, you can cut them down as soon as the flowers are spent.