About Black Eyed Susans
A stalwart of any wildflower meadow, Black Eyed Susan is perhaps the most emblematic of the classic North American wildflowers. It is extremely resilient and boasts beautiful, yellow, daisy-like flowers with a dark chocolate color center. Native to the eastern United States, it has been largely naturalized throughout the rest of the country.
When to Plant Black Eyed Susan Seeds
Black Eyed Susans do best when the soil temperature is at 70°F - which is between March and May for most of the U.S.
Where to Plant Black Eyed Susan Seeds
Black Eyed Susans thrive in full-sun conditions. They also do well in a wide-range of from clay to loam. If you have sandy soil prone to drying out, amend the soil with organic matter.
How to Plant Black Eyed Susan Seeds
The first step when planting Black Eyed Susans is to cold moist stratify your seeds. This can be achieved by planting several weeks before your final frost, or simulating these conditions in your refrigerator several weeks before planting. Broadcast sow directly onto the surface of the soil and compress them down, leaving the seeds uncovered.
How to Care for Black Eyed Susan
Be sure to remove faded and dying flowers to extend the blooming period. If Black Eyed Susans are deadheaded, a second bloom may appear in the fall.
Customer Photos
Purple coneflower and Black Eyed Susan from seed | Greg from New York
My field of black eyed susans | Teresa from Indiana
A Little Bit of Sunshine~ | Dawn Butler from South Carolina
A Little Bit of Sunshine~ | Dawn Butler from South Carolina
Black Eyed Susans | Nancy from Kansas
Black Eyed Susans | Kjerstine from Kansas
My Susan’s | Ria from Minnesota
Frosted rudbeckia | Kim from Utah
Mary’s meadow | Trina from Colorado
Field of black eyes susans | from Tennessee
Black-eyed Susans wearing bright yellow. | Soledad Jackson from Iowa
Fresh cuts from my garden! | Jennifer Harvill from Maryland
Black-eyed Susan | Kristina from Illinois
Summer Vibes | Sarah Marcotte from Massachusetts
Summer Beauty! | Sarah Marcotte from Massachusetts
Sunny vibes | Jen from North Carolina
Butterfly haven | Kristina from Illinois
Summer Rudbeckia | Heidi from Arizona
Wild flowers! | from
My Splash of Color | Diana Lynn Albers from Michigan
My comfy spot | Robin Regenburgh from New Jersey
Field of yellow! | Martha from Minnesota
Janet’s Garden 3 | Janet from Connecticut
Janet’s Garden of Black Eyed Susans, Coneflowers, and More | Janet from Connecticut
DIYgarden | Andrea from Illinois
Black-eyed Susan vine | Susan from Florida
Early summer bouquet | Concetta from South Carolina
My black eye Susan’s ❤️ | Michelle from California
Black-eyed Susans | Susan from Florida
My garden rudbeckia | Susan from South Carolina
Partners | Martine Rife from Michigan