Planting Chinese Houses Seeds

Fast Facts


When to Plant Chinese Houses Seeds

Chinese Houses seeds can be directly sown in the late Fall, after the first killing frost. Early Spring sowing is an option as well, as soon as the soil is workable once the threat of frost has passed.

Where to Plant Chinese Houses Seeds

Chinese Houses do best in Full Sun exposure, though they can tolerate Partial Shade conditions as well. These plants can appreciate rich soil, but Chinese Houses also adapt well to rocky or coarse soil, so long as it’s well-draining.

How to Plant Chinese Houses Seeds

Chinese Houses seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them when planting. Learn more about germination light requirements here.

Broadcast sow Chinese Houses seeds directly onto the surface of the soil and firmly compress. Ensure that the seeds are uncovered, however, as they will require sunlight in order to germinate.

How to Care for Chinese Houses

Water seeds regularly until they become established, and be sure to remove emerging weeds. Once mature, Chinese Houses still need occasional watering, and are not a drought tolerant variety. Remove spent flowers to encourage the best possible display of blooms for this plant. If allowed to go to seed, this is a strong self-seeder and return the following season.

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