When to Plant Crocosmia Bulbs
Plant crocosmia bulbs in the spring after the danger of frost has passed. If temperatures are still cool in your area, wait to plant after it warms up. Crocosmias need heat and warmth to get them going; otherwise they can be slow to sprout.
Where to Plant Crocosmia Bulbs
Find a location with well-draining soil and where the crocosmia bulbs will receive full sun. If there is standing water five to six hours after a hard rain, crocosmia will not survive in soggy soil or standing water. The soil can be amended with the addition of organic material, such as peat moss, compost, or decomposed manure. It's best to raise the level two to three inches to improve the drainage.
How to Plant Crocosmia Bulbs
Plant the corms three inches deep and six to eight inches apart. Place them with the pointy end facing up. After planting, water generously to settle the soil around the corms. Roots and sprouts will form in a few weeks depending on soil temperatures.
How to Care for Crocosmia
After blooming has ended for the season, leave the foliage on your crocosmia plants. Allow the leaves to gather sunlight and provide nourishment for next year's blooms. Continue to water as needed and remove leaves when they turn yellow. Your crocosmia will rest for a few months before beginning the next growing cycle in spring. Note: Crocosmia Lucifer is hardy down to zones 4, but other varieties should be treated like gladiolus plants in zones 2 through 5 and be lifted at the end of the season.