Daisy Seeds

daisy blooms with seeds

Fast Facts

Full Sun

About Daisies

Daisies are one of the most well-known flowers around the world, exuding freshness, happiness, and innocence. When we think of daisies, most of us picture classic white petals around a bright yellow center. It may be surprising to learn there are many other varieties that go by the same name. Though native to Europe and Asia, daisies can now be found on every continent except Antarctica! Most types of daisies begin blooming in early summer and keep on going through the fall.

When to Plant Daisy Seeds

Daisies are almost foolproof to grow. They can be planted in the spring, summer, or fall. Most gardeners sow their daisy seeds directly in the garden.

Where to Plant Daisy Seeds

Choose a sunny location that is well-protected from strong winds with rich, well-drained soil. Compost can be mixed with your garden soil. Most daisies are perennial and will bloom in their second year of growth. Daisies establish their root system during the first year.

How to Plant Daisy Seeds

Daisy seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them too much when planting. Learn more about germination light requirements here.

Use a hoe or rake to scratch the top of the soil. Then, toss the seeds on top. Daisy seeds need the sunlight to germinate, so if birds eating the seeds is a problem, they should only be covered lightly with about 1/8 inch of soil. Press the seeds into the soil by stepping on them or using a roller for larger areas. It is important to maintain a good level of moisture until the seeds have germinated (in approximately 14 days). If you desire, a general fertilizer can be applied during the early growth stages and monthly thereafter. Before the daisies bloom, you can switch to a high phosphorus fertilizer. This will give you bigger, brighter flowers.

How to Care for Daisies

Daisies need average amounts of water. Be sure to supplement if your area does not receive enough rainfall. As daisies bloom and then fade, deadhead the spent blooms to encourage the plant to produce a second and sometimes even a third blooming. Just cut the stems below the foliage; regular deadheading is essential for this extra show of blooms.

Once your daisies are established, certain varieties can be separated by division every three to four years to avoid overcrowding. Dig up clumps and separate them into groups to be replanted. If you live in a cold climate, give your daisies a layer of mulch to protect them during the winter.

How to Plant & Grow Daisies – Video Tutorial

Companion Plants

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Daisy Seeds - Shasta

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Customer Photos

Variety Specific Planting Guides


Daisies are easy to grow, fun-loving flowers!

Tips & Tricks

Pest Control