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Gazania Seeds

About Gazania

Gazania splendens is a vibrant and hardy perennial, perfect for adding a burst of color to your garden. Gazania is a hardy perennial in USDA zones 8 to 11. Featuring a rich spectrum of colors, this easily cared-for flower is a great choice for adding vibrancy to challenging landscape areas. Gazania plants bloom abundantly and are a magnet for butterflies.

When to Plant Gazania Seeds

For outdoor gardening, sow gazania seeds two to four weeks after the last average frost date when the soil has warmed, typically in mid spring. Expect these flowers to bloom approximately 12 weeks after sowing the seeds. In zones 8 to 11, they can behave as perennials, gracing your garden with blooms from fall through winter and into spring. Gazania flowers are resilient and can recover from mild frosts.

For optimal results in the lower USDA zones, start gazania seeds indoors about eight weeks before the last average frost date. Place the seeds beneath a light layer of soil and maintain consistent moisture during the germination and transplant phases. After about two weeks following the last expected frost, acclimate them to outdoor conditions by hardening off the seedlings, and then plant them outdoors.

Where to Plant Gazania Seeds

Gazanias do best in sandy, well-draining soil but will tolerate many soil types and conditions. When planting in your garden, space gazania plants about 12 inches apart to ensure they have enough room to flourish.

Gazania plants are quite tolerant of the heat that emanates from pavement, allowing you to incorporate them into your sidewalk garden or along your driveway. Their affinity for well-drained soil also makes them an ideal selection for a rock garden.

How to Plant Gazania Seeds

Plant two to three seeds in each pot. Sow the seeds at a depth of approximately 1/4 inch in well-prepared soil. The ideal soil temperature for germination is between 60°F and 65°F. Gazania seeds generally germinate within 14 to 21 days. During this time, it's crucial to keep the soil consistently moist to support germination.

Once your Gazania seedlings reach a height of two inches, thin each group out to a single healthy seedling.

How to Care for Gazania

The resilient, leathery foliage of gazania plants hints at their impressive drought tolerance. It's best to allow the soil to thoroughly dry out between watering sessions.

When cultivating gazanias as perennials, it's advisable to trim them in late winter or early spring. In the plant's second season, if needed, you can trim back the foliage to a height of a few inches above the ground.

Gazanias often self-seed, but if you don't want to leave it up to chance, collect the seeds after they have fully dried and start them under controlled conditions in seed pots or flat in the spring.