Planting Lily Bulbs

lily blooms with bulbs

Fast Facts

Lilium asiatica
Full Sun to Partial Shade

When to Plant Lily Bulbs

Plant your lilies in the spring when the soil is workable but not muddy.

Plant your lilies in the fall a month before the first killing frost when the soil is still workable.

Where to Plant Lily Bulbs

Before you plant your lily bulbs, choose a sunny spot. Well-drained soil is a must for lilies to do their best. Lilies do best in full sun but they can tolerate some shade.

How to Plant Lily Bulbs

Lilies look very nice when planted in groups of three to five bulbs. Space them about 12 inches apart so they have room to grow. Small lily bulb varieties should be planted two to four inches deep, and larger lily bulb varieties should be planted six inches deep. Space each group about three to four feet apart so they can grow to their full mature size. The soil should remain moist. Watering a substantial amount once a week is usually more desirable than a few light watering during the week. During the hot months of course watch your soil and do not let it dry out. Water as needed.

How to Care for Lilies

Mulching your lily garden during the fall and winter is advised. Spread the mulch back in the spring as the lily stalks emerge from the soil as it will no longer be needed. If your soil needs amendment, fertilize the lily garden in the early spring using a 5-10-10 (just check the fertilizer bag). Remove the dead flower heads as soon as they die off. This gives the plant energy back to the bulb for next season. When removing dead flowers from lilies, it’s important to NOT remove leaves; doing so may prohibit the bulb from blooming the following year. If cutting lilies for flower arrangements, a bit of foliage is cut from the stem which means there is a higher possibility that the bulbs will not rebloom the next year. We suggest that you dig up and divide lily bulbs every three or four years (the bulbs will multiply). Replant the bulbs in new patterns and holes, and if possible, extend the lily garden area you have already been using.

How to Plant & Grow Lilies – Video Tutorial

Companion Plants

Elevate your garden's allure or harvest. These are our recommendations for companion plants that will enhance either visual appeal or culinary delights.

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Lily Bulbs - Night Rider

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Lily Bulbs - Giant OT Zambesi

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Customer Photos

Variety Specific Planting Guides


Lily types include: asiatic, double, oriental, tiger, trumpet, and more!

Tips & Tricks

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