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Lobelia Seeds

When to Plant Lobelia Seeds

Start Lobelia indoors approximately 10-12 weeks before the final Killing Frost in the Spring. While Lobelia can be started outdoors as well, the germination rate tends to be far lower, so starting indoors is highly recommended.

Where to Plant Lobelia Seeds

Select an area that offers Partial Shade - though Lobelia can tolerate Full Sun. In Full Sun conditions, your Lobelia will need plenty of watering. Lobelia thrives best in rich, well-draining soil.

How to Plant Lobelia Seeds

Lobelia seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them when planting. Learn more about germination light requirements here.

Lobelia is best started in trays with cells indoors. Sow thinly and compress onto the surface of the soil, but do not cover. Lobelia seeds require sunlight to germinate. Soil should remain moist and at a temperature of 65-75°F. Germination will occur in approximately 14-21 days. Seedlings should be hardened off before transplanting. Once all threat of frost has passed, Lobelia can be transplanted outdoors. Ideal spacing for this variety is 4-6 inches.

How to Care for Lobelia

Once established, Lobelia plants require little by way of care, though older plants can experience dieback from high heat. If plants are starting to fail, then cut them down by as much as a third, and ensure they receive afternoon shade. With regular watering and feeding, your Lobelia should make a comeback.