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Squash Seeds

When to Plant Squash Seeds

Plant summer squash in the spring if you want a summer harvest, or if you want a fall harvest, plant it in the mid to late summer. Plant winter squash in either late spring or in the height of summer.

Where to Plant Squash Seeds

Plant your squash where they can receive full sun. Squash plants love to “eat,” so they need well-fertilized, rich soil that is well-drained. Fertilizing your squash as they grow will ensure a healthy, large harvest.

How to Plant Squash Seeds

Sow summer squash seeds ½ inch (1.25cm) deep, and sow winter squash seeds 1 inch (2.5cm) deep. If you are planting in rows, seeds should be spaced 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15cm). Rows should be 4 to 6 feet (1 to 1.85 meters) apart. If you are planting on in hills, place 3 or 4 seeds in a ring on the top of each hill, and space your hills 3 to 4 feet (about 1 meter) apart.

How to Harvest Squash

Harvest summer squash when they reach 6-8"" and you can puncture the skin with your nail. Harvest winter squash near the end of the growing season. The skin should be tougher to pierce with your nail.