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Valerian Seeds

When to Plant Valerian Seeds

Direct sow outdoors in early spring after the expected final frost, or start indoors 4 weeks prior to transplanting in late spring.

Where to Plant Valerian Seeds

Valerian performs best in full sun (light shade can be tolerated), in average or sandy, medium moisture, well-drained soils. It thrives in poor soils but does not appreciate hot and humid weather conditions.

How to Plant Valerian Seeds

Valerian seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them when planting. Learn more about germination light requirements here.

Small seeds can be tamped into the soil and covered with a thin layer of soil, approximately 1/4", and should germinate within 7-14 days with moist but well-draining potting mix.

How to Harvest Valerian

Spent flower stems should be removed to encourage further blooms and prevent seeds from forming. Dig out the roots in fall or early spring. Dry them outside because the roots don't have a pleasant smell. Once dried, store in an airtight container.

About Valerian

With its attractive fern-like foliage and sweetly scented pink summertime blooms, Valerian has been cultivated and used for generations for a variety of purposes. Obviously ornamental, extracts from the bloom were once used as perfume and oil derived from the root has long been used as a medicinal treatment of insomnia, migraine and anxiety.