When to Plant Zinnia Seeds
Zinnias are best started directly outdoors in locations where spring warms up early. Keep in mind that Zinnias are native to Mexico, where they have become accustomed to long, hot summers. They are classed as tender annuals and can be directly sown into the garden after all danger of frost is over and daytime temps are at least 50F and above. In cooler climates, start seeds indoors 4 to 6 weeks before your area’s average last-frost date. Harden off the plants by vacationing trays outside for a few hours per day before planting them in your garden.
Where to Plant Zinnia Seeds
Choose a spot that has full sun. Zinnias can thrive in a wide array of well-draining soil conditions.
How to Plant Zinnia Seeds
Turn over the soil in the area you want to plant your zinnias and work in 2 or 3 inches of compost or peat moss to help improve soil fertility and drainage. Plant the seeds only about ¼” – ½” deep and you should see seedlings sprout in four to seven days. Once the seedlings reach about 3” tall, thin them to maximize air circulation, and prevent powdery mildew. The dwarf varieties, reaching a height of 1 to 1 ½ feet, should be planted or thinned to about 9” apart, while the taller 3-feet varieties should be spaced about 1 foot apart. If starting your zinnias indoors, fill up your pots with organic potting mix. Saturate the potting mix with water and then place two zinnia seeds into each planting cell or pot. Press into the soil for good seed-to-soil contact and then cover with approximately ½” of the potting mix. Place your zinnias in an area that will receive plenty of warmth (65-70F) and light. Keep your zinnia seeds moistened, checking on them every day or two. Expect to see germination in about 7 to 10 days. Once your seedlings reach about 2 ½ - 3” tall, they are ready to be transplanted outdoors. Zinnias may be transplanted with ease, as it is possible to move the plants when they are in full flower! Although they thrive best in full sun, they will also endure partial shade.
How to Care for Zinnias
Water the area of your zinnia plants carefully, do not get the stems or leaves wet since zinnias are prone to mildew. Keep your zinnia garden lightly moistened, and let the area dry out between watering. The beauty of zinnias is that you can spend your attention elsewhere while they bloom profusely summer to autumn.
Customer Photos
Zinnia Field | Kristin from Virginia
My wildflower | Holly Booker from Tennessee
Garden harvest | Nicole from Idaho
My two row flower “field” and my favorite visitor | Nicole from Idaho
Kristina’s fresh cuts from our Garden of Eden | Ona Stewart from California
My zinnias! | Jodie Prine from Wisconsin
Green With Envy | Grandbleu72evrdream from New York
Flower harvest | Kaitlyn from Massachusetts
Zinnia hedgerow | Casey from New York
Bouquet from my garden | Leigh from Nebraska
Feeling “zen” with my zinnias! | Deanna from Mississippi
Dahlias and zinnias | Lauren from New York
Zen Flowers | Diana Sanders from Texas
First Zinnia | Jamie from Wisconsin
Miss Willmott | Donna from California
A single Queen Lime Zinnia | Johanna Pike from Connecticut
My field of Zinnias and sunflowers. | David Roberson from Indiana
My Zinnia Garden | Tommy Williamson from Tennessee
Our beautiful Zin Master zinnias! | Lynnette from Indiana
Zinnias and wildflower border | Carl from Michigan
My garden of zinnias | Tommy from Tennessee
A little Slice of Heaven on Earth ! | Karen from New York
Bursting with Zinnias! | Tracy from Illinois
Zinnias in Bulk! | Tracy from Illinois
Zinnia Love | Tracy from Illinois
Zinnia… a great flower to both add color to your garden and help out our pollinator friends. | Erin from Minnesota
Tub of zinnias | Janet Starnes from Oklahoma
A Blushing Bouquet! | Ledley from West Virginia
Zinnias | Dan from District Of Columbia
Pollinator on zinnias! | Varenka Rodriguez DiBlasi from New York
My lime queen blush | Thao from California
Touch of sunshine | Julie from South Carolina
My Garden Beds | John Pitts from Georgia
Pierce Farm Zinnia Field | Jennifer from Illinois
My Field Of Zinnias | Ruth Thomas from Alabama
Beautiful red zinnias | Sally from Illinois
Zinnias | Kathryn from North Carolina
Brothers | Elaine from Iowa
Zinnia Patch | Megan from Wisconsin
Hats off to the Senorita zinnia! | Jessica from Illinois
Butterfly on Zinnia | Kathryn from North Carolina
Busy bee | Larochelle from Illinois
Save the bees | Larochelle from Illinois
Zinnia Beauty Queen! | Rebecca from North Carolina
Granddaughter falling in love with flowers | Jen from North Carolina
Zinnias & Squash | Ginger from Utah
Zinnias for the mini meadow! | Melissa from Georgia
Cutting Garden Outside my Bedroom | Lyn from Georgia
Zinnia flowerbeds | Kristina from Alabama
Zinnia and tomato Heaven | Marion from Texas
Dahlias and Zinnias and cousin Lee | Eileen from Louisiana
Butterfly favorite! | Shirley from
This Tiger loves the Giants! | Wendy from Maryland
Eden Bros seeds in stages | Pam from North Carolina
Eden Bros zinnias for Mama! | Pamela from North Carolina
Butterflies and Zinnias | Ann from Kansas
Zinnia | Deanna from Michigan
Zinnia Border | Jackie from Missouri
Cosmos and Zinnias | David Stewart from North Carolina
Flower bouquet | Maci from Kentucky
Butterfly 🦋 on our zinnias | Maci from Kentucky
Beautiful colors! | Vicky from Indiana
Summer Love | Chrmn_l@yahoo.com from Massachusetts
My field of Zinnias for real!! | David J DeLoach from Louisiana
Wildflowers and zinnias | Taylor from Kansas
Front yard Zinnias | JOHN THOMAS from Kentucky
Summer | Matt from District Of Columbia
Zinnia field | Michael James Oliver from Rhode Island
August harvest | Rhiannon M Lawson from Virginia
Zinnias and dahlias | Rhiannon M Lawson from Virginia
Roses Are Fine but a Field of Zinnias is Divine | Tim Reinbott from Missouri
Roses are fine, but a field of zinnias is divine. | Tim from Missouri
The bees love my zinnias. | Kathryn O’Brien from Ohio
Flower Child | Becky from Oregon
Zinnia Fairy | Becky from Oregon
Zinnias & Millet | Sydney from Arkansas
My flower bed | Mary from Nevada
Wheel barrow of my red zinnias | Elise from North Carolina
An unexpected guest | Claire from Indiana
Pollen pitstop | Bailey from Virginia
Happy Pollinators | Jeffrey Parmentier from South Carolina
My zinnia patch | Jodie from Wisconsin
Zinnias | Mark from North Carolina
Zinnia Sunset | Amanda from Kentucky
Example: My Field of Zinnias! | Andrea from Illinois
A country girl’s garden | Judy from South Carolina
Somewhere over the rainbow | Donna from Colorado
Labor of love | Stephanie from Illinois
Memory Garden | Sandy from Texas
Garden of zinnias | Katie from Iowa
Zinnias | MICHAEL MELICIA from Florida
Example: My Field of Zinnias & perennial wildflower mix | Karen from Kansas
My wife bloom garden begin!!! | Martin from
Zinnias in Garden | Ashleigh from North Carolina
Zinnia seeds -California Giants | Cindy from Virginia
Zinnias | Jim from New York
Flowers from Holland | Ken from
Zinnias Meadow | Rooster Hill Flowers (Libbi) from Kentucky
Pathway of Zinnias | Leonard from North Dakota