Grape Hyacinth Bulbs

grape hyacinth blooms and bulbs

Fast Facts

Muscari armeniacum
Full Sun to Partial Shade

When to Plant Grape Hyacinth Bulbs

Plant Grape Hyacinth in the fall, when soil in your area has started to cool right up until the soil freezes in cold regions, although earlier planting provides more time for bulb roots to grow. If you live in a warm part of the country, where spring arrives early, make sure to plant your outdoor grape hyacinths by late November to give the bulbs time to root in. Otherwise, they may begin to sprout before supporting roots have developed.

Where to Plant Grape Hyacinth Bulbs

Grape hyacinths thrive in both full sun to partial shade conditions. They do well in average soil and don’t require any special conditions. A well-draining site is key; as good drainage helps avoid bulb rot.

How to Plant Grape Hyacinth Bulbs

Plant about 10 grape hyacinth bulbs per square foot. Dig holes 4” deep and add a handful or two of compost into the hole. Plant your grape hyacinth bulbs about 3” below the soil line with the pointed end facing up. Once planted, water well to settle the soil around the bulb. While there won’t be any visible growth the first fall, the bulb’s roots will be growing to absorb nutrients and moisture.

How to Care for Grape Hyacinth

After flowering, your grape hyacinth leaves will continue to photosynthesize to devote energy for the bulb’s growth the following Spring. Then the bulbs will go dormant the remainder of the Summer. The bulbs will stay hydrated with just average moisture during the summer and will not require additional watering. When fall temperatures cool, the bulbs will develop new roots in preparation for the next Spring’s season.

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Grape Hyacinth were once considered to be a member of the liliaceae family, they have since been reclassified into the asparagaceae. Other names for this unique flower include bluebells and bluebonnets.

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