How to Plant an Herb Garden

How to Plant Herb Seeds

Store your seeds in a cool, dry and dark location. Most seeds have a long shelf life, but heat and moisture will cut that life short. Dedicate a drawer or cabinet to storing your seeds where you can also house your gardening journal close at hand for dreaming, planning and preparing. Text

Step One: When to Plant Herbs

Spring is the ideal time to plant your herb garden after the last killing frost. If starting indoors, you can plant during any season.

Step Two: Where to Plant Herbs

To plant indoors, you need pots. The best types of pots are those with holes in the bottom that permit proper drainage and aeration. Fill the container with rich potting soil and gently pat it down to prevent air pockets. Place the pot(s) in a sunny area.

Step 3: How to Plant Herbs

It’s best to soak your herb seeds in water for a few hours prior to planting.
Now it’s time to sow your herb seeds! The key here is to not bury the seeds too deeply, but rather just slightly compress them into the tightly packed soil. Once sown, make sure to water lightly, but regularly. Soon, you will begin to see your herb seeds germinate. Be sure to provide the baby seedlings adequate time to germinate before transplanting them – the general rule of thumb is to wait until you see the emergence of at least two sets of leaves.

Step Four: How to Care for Herbs

Once sown, make sure to water lightly, but regularly. Once you begin to observe the emergence of sturdy seedlings, you can, if you wish, transplant them to the outdoor herb garden (you may also keep them indoors in your kitchen where they will be easy to reach for your cooking needs). One handy method that we recommend prior to transplantation is to “harden” the seedlings. Though the name may sound daunting to some, this technique involves little more than simply placing the young seedlings outside for a few hours per day so as to acclimate them to the sunlight and temperature of the natural environment. After “hardening” for a week or so, your herb plants should be ready to withstand the rigors of the great outdoors! Simply dig a hole roughly the size of the potted plant at hand, and then gently place the herb plant into it. Once planted, make sure to firmly compress the soil surrounding the young plant into a compact mass. Water once a day during the first week, and a few times a week thereafter.