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Sage Flower Seeds

When to Plant Sage Seeds

Direct sow Salvia Sage seeds after the threat of frost has passed in Spring. Ideal soil temperatures range from 65-85°F for the best germination success. For earlier blooms, start Sage seeds indoors approximately 10 weeks before the final frost date.

Where to Plant Sage Seeds

Salvia Sage thrives with Full Sun exposure, though it can tolerate light shade. Humus-rich, well-drained soil is the best choice for Sage plants.

How to Plant Sage Seeds

Sage seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them when planting. Learn more about germination light requirements here.

Loosen the soil of your planting space to give the easiest conditions for your Sage to establish. Sow seeds onto the surface of the soil about 12-18 inches apart, and lightly rake in, but do not cover the seeds. Salvia Sage will want exposure to sunlight in order to germinate. Germination will take place in 10-15 days.

How to Care for Sage

Once seedlings come up, thin out Salvia Sage to 1 plant every 24-36 inches apart in spacing. Once established, Sage is low maintenance. Ensure soil remains moist, and manually water if conditions become dry. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage additional bloom. Salvia Sage may begin to look worn out by mid-summer. Cutting them down by 1/3 will help to reinvigorate the plant. Salvia Sage will self-sow if flowers are allowed to develop seed pods.

Sage Herb

Click here to learn how to plant the sage herb.