Warm Season Planting
Garden like a pro with helpful tips and guidance from the experts at Eden Brothers.
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What’s your Phlox IQ?
Learn the fascinating all-American history behind the flower that began in Texas and is now planted worldwide.
I love your Dahlias!
A customer sent in photos and a testimonial about our dahlias, and we would love for you to read it!
Salmon Star – Spectacular new Oriental Lily that lives up to its name
This beautiful newer member of the Oriental Lily Group brought a brand-new color to the group, and what a color it is!
5 Favorite Vegetable Seeds
Out of the hundreds of varieties of vegetable seeds we carry, these are the top 5 winners!
Top Five Flower Seeds
For a summer full of color, take your pick from the top 5 flower seeds chosen by our customers
During winter, do what all gardeners do.
Dream on, and order early for savings. Spring will be here before you know it!
Botanical Names? You know more of them than you think!
Rhododendron. Hydrangea. Viola. Aster. Phlox. These are just some of the botanical “Latin” names you already know.
Celebrity Wildflowers
Fun facts with colorful stories about how some of the most popular flowers got their names.
Showing 61-68 of 68