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Candytuft Seeds

About Candytuft

Candytuft is a versatile flower garden favorite that provides a lovely textural bloom. In addition to its aesthetic quality, Candytuft also provides a pleasant fragrance that attracts birds, bees, butterflies - and humans! These blooms come in shades of purple, white, and pink.

When to Plant Candytuft Seeds

Direct sow outdoors after the threat of frost - Candytuft does best with soil temperatures between 70°F and 75°F. Candytuft can also be started indoors 6-8 weeks before your final frost date.

Where to Plant Candytuft Seeds

Candytuft can do well in poor-to-average, alkaline soils, in Full Sun conditions.

How to Plant Candytuft Seeds

Candytuft seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them when planting. Learn more about germination light requirements here.

Broadcast sow seeds directly onto the surface of the soil. Compress seeds, but don't cover, as they require sunlight to germinate.

How to Care for Candytuft

You can cut plants back after blooming to encourage additional blooms through the summer. Once blooms are spent, cut growth back down to the ground to avoid woody growth of stems. This should be done at least once per year to avoid the Candytuft from growing tall and spindly.