Garden like a pro with helpful tips and guidance from the experts at Eden Brothers.
8 Results
How to Plant Fall Bulbs in Warm Zones
Tips and tricks to take advantage of spring beauties no matter where you’re located!
Bulb Layering for Continuous Blooms
Layering bulbs in a pot or the ground means just one planting can provide months of blooms.
Planting Lilies in Spring
Understanding the different types of lilies brings an appreciation and knowledge of how to incorporate them into your garden.
The Secrets of Building a Great Perennial Garden
With some sage advice and a list of must-haves, learn how to plant your own perennial garden.
How to Plant Lily Bulbs
No garden is complete without the queen of flowers, and though they used to be rare in a home garden, today’s lilies are as easy to grow as tulips and daffodils.
Salmon Star – Spectacular new Oriental Lily that lives up to its name
This beautiful newer member of the Oriental Lily Group brought a brand-new color to the group, and what a color it is!
Which “Fall Bulbs” are best for spring bloom in your region?
Everybody loves them. They’re the first blooms of spring and some of the most beautiful of all.
Stargazer, the Most Popular Lily in the World
Its beauty, scent, and upward facing blooms make stargazers the most popular lily in the world.
Showing 1-8 of 8