News & Trends
Garden like a pro with helpful tips and guidance from the experts at Eden Brothers.
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How the New USDA Zone Map Impacts Gardeners
Knowing your new USDA Plant Hardiness Zone can help you adapt your gardening practices to enhance the growing experience.
Top 6 Gardening Podcasts
Veteran or novice, our recommended podcasts are sure to entertain and teach you.
Top 9 Gardening Blogs
The internet can bring us together. Find information on the latest trends in gardening from our top blogs.
Top 5 Gardening Trends for 2022
Be inspired by these top trends in the world of gardening that we expect to see in 2022.
Lawn-Mowing be Damned!
Stop mowing your lawn and start planting wildflower seeds!
What is an AAS Winner?
We offer 75 varieties of the best of the best flowers and vegetables that are AAS award winners.
4 Reasons to Go Wild for Wildflowers
With more people replacing lawns with wildflowers, we’re on the cusp of a landscaping revolution!
You can thank Cortez for the Beefsteak Tomato.
Notorious destroyer of the Aztec Empire brings home a tomato…and the rest is history!
What’s your Phlox IQ?
Learn the fascinating all-American history behind the flower that began in Texas and is now planted worldwide.
5 Favorite Vegetable Seeds
Out of the hundreds of varieties of vegetable seeds we carry, these are the top 5 winners!
Top Five Favorite Herbs to Plant
Out of the all-time tastiest and easiest to grow herbs we carry – these are the top 5 big winners.
Top Five Flower Seeds
For a summer full of color, take your pick from the top 5 flower seeds chosen by our customers
Showing 1-12 of 16