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Vegetable Seeds

Tomatoes, hot peppers, artichokes and more, learn all the best tips and tricks for growing the freshest vegetables in your garden, no matter how big or small.

Create a Food Forest

Thursday, June 6th, 2024

While many of our favorite vegetables are annuals, anyone who’s put out a garden knows how much work they require. Planting, pruning, watering, harvesting, picking off bugs–the list goes on. If you’re not afraid to branch out from the typical kitchen garden players, there’s another grow your own option with …

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Your Checklist for Seed Starting

Thursday, April 18th, 2024

It’s seed starting time! AKA the busiest, most stressful—and still somehow the most wonderful— time of the year. We understand your excitement, we really do—but before you run off to the greenhouse with those seeds you paid good money for, you might want to double-check this list. Or at the …

Read more Your Checklist for Seed Starting

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Your Guide to Fall Vegetable Planting

Thursday, August 17th, 2023

As the vibrant hues of summer fade and a cool breeze begins to hint at the changing season, we as gardeners and plant enthusiasts eagerly anticipate the arrival of fall. While many may associate spring with planting, autumn presents a fantastic opportunity to continue cultivating your green space and enjoying …

Read more Your Guide to Fall Vegetable Planting

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Pumpkin Pollination

Thursday, August 3rd, 2023

The story isn’t a new one – Your pumpkin vine is truly magnificent, boasting a robust and healthy appearance with its lush, deep green leaves and abundant blossoms. Big, gorgeous yellow blooms open and close, but day after day you realize something—the absence of any signs of fruit. What is …

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Basic Bean Guide

Wednesday, April 21st, 2021

There are few things better than wandering around your vegetable garden on a summer evening. There is a sense of clarity at the end of the day as you pluck a few weeds, dust the dirt off your hands and pick a green bean or two to pop into your …

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Growing Gourds with Joy

Wednesday, March 31st, 2021

Gourds are arguably the most versatile plants you can grow. They are not often eaten (there isn’t enough ‘meat’ on them to make it worth it) but these uniquely shaped and textured vegetables have been used for centuries to fashion tools, dishes, utensils and even rattles for children.  In today’s world it …

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Starting Veggie Seeds Indoors

Tuesday, February 9th, 2021

The most rewarding aspect of starting seeds indoors is the plethora of choices! You’d never find the variety of tomatoes, lettuces, onions and so many other garden favorites if you’re only shopping for plants in-season. There are plenty of other benefits too, ranging from cost (seeds are cheap!), harvest time, …

Read more Starting Veggie Seeds Indoors

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